Power20 Homepage


Power20 (378x71 - 6.5 KByte)

Commodore VIC-20 (419x54 - 2.2 KByte)


Apple Macintosh

Enjoy your favorite Commodore VIC20 games on your Apple Macintosh!

Power20 is a great emulator that will bring all the fun and nostalgic feelings of the Commodore VIC20 era back to life on your Apple Macintosh (Mac OS X with PowerPC or Intel CPU or Classic MacOS).

This site has been set up for the convenience of those that heard of Power20 and are now looking for it on the web by simply guessing the proper URL using the "just add '.com' to the keyword in question" heuristics. This is not the complete Power20 homepage. Actually the only valuable information here is the link to the real Power20 homepage which is located at:


and mirrored at


Source File: http://www.power20.com/index.html
Power20/Power64 Homepage: http://www.infinite-loop.at and http://www.salto.at
Support EMail: © Roland Lieger, Goethegasse 39, A-2340 Mödling, Austria - Europe
Last Changed: January 6, 2016
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